Immune System Changes
Since an allergic response is related to your immune system, it should be no surprise that prolonged exposure to mold can result in changes to your immune system. The most common response is systemic inflammation, which can have a wide range of potential health effects. There is even the potential risk of developing an autoimmune disorder because of prolonged immune system activation.
Fungal Infection
On the other hand, when people don’t have a strong immune system, such as people who have a compromised or suppressed immune system, there’s a risk of fungal infection. A fungal infection occurs when fungus starts growing inside your body, and it can be dangerous, even deadly.
If you have a weak immune system, you need to be very cautious about exposure to household mold.
Respiratory Distress
For some people, exposure to mold can affect their breathing. This most often occurs because of asthma, in which your airways are swollen or otherwise narrowed, leading to breathing difficulties. Asthma related to mold exposure is typically worse in children, but it can affect people of all ages.
Cognitive Effects
Mold can even affect a person’s ability to think. Mold exposure has been linked to lightheadedness, dizziness, blurred vision, difficulty thinking, and problems with short-term memory.
House Effects
In addition to your health, letting mold grow in your house can lead to significant damage to your home. The cost of this damage can be much higher than the cost of professional mold remediation.
Damage to Wood Structure
Common house molds feed on cellulose. Cellulose is one of the main components in wood, part of its structure that makes it strong. As mold eats away the cellulose, wood studs and beams can grow weaker, increasing the risk that your house might collapse under its own weight or under the weight of snow.
Destruction of Drywall
Another place where your house might have a lot of cellulose that mold can attack is in your drywall. Drywall is a sheet of gypsum wrapped in paper. When mold grows on drywall, it attacks the paper wrapping. This can make the drywall more likely to collapse.
Loss of Property Value
The presence of mold makes your house much less desirable on the sales market. Many potential buyers will shy away from the property because of the risks related to mold. Others may want to see the price reduced because they expect to have to get professional mold remediation. Not knowing how bad the mold problem is, they might ask for a price reduction to cover the worst-case scenario, which might be significantly more than the actual cost of mold remediation, especially if you get it done early.